Hello strangers! I know its been a while since my last post and this is because I am so busy I don't have time to sit down and just write. So I wanted to catch you up on this whole student teaching experience... Do you ever have days where you think about what is going on in your life and how God showers his blessings over you? It is always my drive to and from school that I think about what my hopes for the day are and what the day turns out to be. Almost everyday my eyes get welled up with tears because i am in such awe of the blessing of being able to do what I want and having my dreams come true. in the beginning of this student teaching i did a lot of questioning. questioning if i was good enough, if the kids will ever like me, if i will end up hating this experience, etc. it makes me wonder why do i question God? He always provides and blows our expectations that i have learned more and more to not worry (whiich is really hard). sure some days these group of students pu...
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