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Showing posts from February, 2018

Please Choose Kind

Last night I watched the movie Wonder...Oh my lanta the whole time I had tears flowing down my face either from sadness or from beauty and I wanted to write about the story through my eyes. 1. When Auggie comes home from his first day and breaks down crying because the kids were mean and he says why do I have to look like this? Why am I ugly? I absolutely lost it because do you wanna know how many times growing up and even still I have posed this question of why? Why do I have to look so different on the outside? Why do I have to go through life like this? Why can't I be normal and like everybody else? 2. He brings up the topic of people staring and admits that if he saw someone like him he would stare to? Many of you know that staring is something that is a pet peeve of mine because I know I am different but why do you have to constantly stare at me? But then again I like Auggie's perspective because I would probably be curious and stare at a person like me as well... ...

Hardships lead to Happiness

Let's be real...Well actually I'm always honest on here. The last four months of life have been hard..real hard. There has been so many moments where I wanted to throw in the towel and just be done. There has been many mornings where I just did not want to get up. You know that feeling where you just have this gloomy cloud hanging over you and you just cannot shake it off. I look at pictures and see bags under my eyes and this smile where I know inside I am questioning why all of this is happening. I cannot tell you how many nights I went to sleep crying and talking with the Lord about why this is happening. Why have I been thrown all these things at one time? BUT what I am here to tell you is no matter how hard life is. No matter how many times you want to give up. No matter how deep the bags are under your eyes there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. There is always God there saying everything is going to be okay. I am finally at the end of that tunnel. Where I ...