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Showing posts from June, 2017

Do you want to be cured?

One thing I love about one of the my best friend, Lexi, is the open conversations we have. She is the one person that asks the questions a lot of people are afraid to or the just don't bring it up at all. Recently, at dinner we talked about how a lot of people ask "don't you want to be cured?" or we experience our student's parents wanting a cure for their child's disability. Here is my response... Yeah it would be nice to not have a disability. Do I pray that God helps me to walk better, clears the way I talk, or stops the tenseness of my hands? You betcha. Do I wish I could experience just one day of what it would be like to be "normal"? Heck yes. However, here is my BUT But I don't know what life is like without CP. CP is who I am. I can guarantee you I would not be the person I am today if I was cured. You see this question I think is different than asking someone who has cancer or has come down with a disease because those people know ...

To my little kiddos

Dear Class of 2016-2017, Where did this year go?  I remember the first time you walked into my classroom. You were scared, crying, uncertain. You didn't want to let go of your mom or dad's hand into the hand of a complete stranger. You didn't know how to write your name or cut on a straight line. You peed your pants, cried when you didn't like the food, laid down instead of sitting criss cross. But me oh my. Look at you now.  To tell you I am proud is an understatement. Yesterday at our awards ceremony you heard your name, walked over to your principal, got the award, and stood on stage proudly. My eyes welled up with tears as I realized how far you can come. Yes, academically you have grown so much but socially and  confidently you have shot for the stars. Now you are proud of yourself not just because I tell you to be but because you believe it. You are independent and you are going to accomplish great things. As much as my heart is goin...