Dear Class of 2016-2017,
Where did this year go?
I remember the first time you walked into my classroom. You were scared, crying, uncertain. You didn't want to let go of your mom or dad's hand into the hand of a complete stranger. You didn't know how to write your name or cut on a straight line. You peed your pants, cried when you didn't like the food, laid down instead of sitting criss cross.
But me oh my. Look at you now.
To tell you I am proud is an understatement. Yesterday at our awards ceremony you heard your name, walked over to your principal, got the award, and stood on stage proudly. My eyes welled up with tears as I realized how far you can come.
Yes, academically you have grown so much but socially and confidently you have shot for the stars. Now you are proud of yourself not just because I tell you to be but because you believe it. You are independent and you are going to accomplish great things.
As much as my heart is going to hurt saying goodbye when I put you on that final bus ride home to summer. I know I have given you this skills to be successful in the years to come. You, 12 little kiddos, have taken 12 pieces of my heart and I will always love you.
There is something about your second year of teaching. The first year you are just running around not having a clue what you are doing and just hoping to get through the day. You are just happy to get through one day at a time and happy to have a job.
Its not until your second year that you kind of know what your doing. Where you can somewhat relax and enjoy what you are doing. These kiddos have taught me so much. Sometimes you just have to laugh with them. Other times you embrace their hugs and tell them how important they are. Other times you forget about what you are supposed to teach and just have a fun conversation. I don't think I could ever put to words how over 180 days these 12 kiddos become a family. A forever thankful for this second year because yes we had hard days but we learned to embrace each other for our highs and lows <3
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