It's me
I was wondering if after all these months you would still like to read this
To go over everything
Hi all, I haven't written on this blog since December and have decided it is time to start it up again. There for a while my life was a mess due to be a stressed out first year teacher but over this last month my life has somewhat calmed down. I had two students that went to a different school and since they have left my classroom has been way more peaceful and is like starting over again. That being said I don't want this blog to become all about my classroom which at some points it may be but I want this blog to be what I originally created it to be which is to talk about what it is like to have a physical disability and some of the interesting things that go on.
So here it goes... What it is like to be a normal girl with a physical disability going through the airport?
This week I flew to visit my friend in Sacramento. Now this is the second time I have flown by myself and let me tell you something, airports scare me. You have so many people rushing through, those that are grumpy because their flight got delayed, those that are in a rush because they are late, those that just don't want to wait and get irritated because you can't get your shoes off fast enough for them. Oh Lord help me is what I think every time I step foot into an airport.
So nonetheless this week I was carrying on my suitcase which was another nervous factor of mine. So I am just praying that the Lord brings me individuals who are patient and nice during this airport adventure. & to be honest sometimes I just don't think things will happen but this airport experience was truly a gift.
First, i had an elderly man help me through security by putting my suitcase on the belt for me. Then he got it off for me and pulled the handle up.. all without me asking!
Then I got onto the plane. I asked the flight attendant to please put my suitcase up for me and he did it no problem but when we landed i was like oh dear who is going to help me get that suitcase down. Well, the dear older lady next to me got the suitcase for me without me asking again!
Next, was my way back home. I got to the security line and there was like no one in line which was a huge shocker!! So there you have me as usual struggling to take my shoes off (I am not fast by all means). The security saw me and put my suitcase on the belt, put my shoes and purse in the tray, walked me through the line, told me to sit and brought all my stuff to me without me asking!!! Like um wow!
Then again I asked the flight attendant to help with my suitcase and again a man that sat next to me got my suitcase down for me without me asking!!
I don't think my words of thank you could express truly how thankful I am to this helpful Samaritans. I am so used to having to ask for help that when I don't need to I am truly shocked and utterly thankful. Those individuals that I will never meet again had an impact on me because of a simple kind deed they did for me. Because of them my airport experience was truly a good one and I am still in disbelief of the willingness these individuals were and who they really helped out a normal girl with a physical disability get through the airport.
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