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How does she drive??

Recently I got a new car because my other car was a lemon (aka lots of transmission issues). & while it is exciting to get a new car it brought me to this topic of how it is i can drive so let me tell you the story...

Flashback to 8 years ago when I turned 16. Thinking about driving like all teenagers was on my mind. To me I had no doubt that I would be able to drive (see my parents inspired me to always dream and never give up) but others had their doubts. I remember telling my parents I wanted to get my permit so they said okay to start the process of figuring out how and if i could drive. I failed my permit twice and it really discouraged me and I figured you know what maybe this isn't going to happen so I put a hold on my dream.

Fast forward to sophomore year of college when I decided it was time to revisit that dream again. I took the permit and passed! Next step I went to a driving rehabilitation place to get assessed. They said I could probably drive without hand controls and I would just need a stirring knob because driving with both hands would be a little difficult. Therefore, we tested out the stirring knob on the left side because i am left handed and my left arm is stronger than my right arm. Next, since the knob is on the left side how can i do a blinker? So now I need an attachment to the blinker that allows me to control the blinker with my right hand and TADA! those are my driving accommodations!

It took about 6-8 months of personal driving lessons for me to go and take my driving test. I got a new car fit with all my accommodations and passed the test!

Now 5 years later I have been driving on my own with the same accommodations! My newest struggle with my new car is the gas cap. My first car did not have a gas cap so this is a new challenge for me because twisting caps (like a water bottle) can be hard for me but I know like everything in my life with practice I will get there!

Every time i get into my car even though it has been 5 years I still want to pinch myself and praise God for giving me the ability to live independently and drive on my own! It is a miracle provided by God thats for sure!


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