The year of 2016 I call my say YES year and let me tell you why.
I said YES to traveling by myself not 1 not 2 but 3 times! Started off traveling to Colorado, then to Sacramento (probably the easiest trip of the 3), and then to New Zealand (the scariest of them all). Let me tell you that when you travel by yourself you learn a whole lot. I learned the essence of trusting in yourself. I had to put faith in myself that I could do this and boy I did but with lots of praying! I also learned in not being afraid to ask for help and that people out there don't mind helping you lift your suitcase or telling you where to go. It taught me that I am a lot stronger than I thought and as long as I trust in myself that I would be successful.
I said YES to another year of being a kindergarten special education teacher at my amazing elementary school. Nothing gives you the confidence than being asked to come back for another year at the same school for the same grade. I am completely and utterly blessed to be a teacher at my school. I work for the best principal and the best coworkers. This second year has been so different than my first year and I am learning to embrace my students in a different way than i did last year. I think you know you were called to be a teacher when you see your students every morning and you just want to cry of happiness because they bless you so much.
I said YES to a new car that is much safer and more reliable than my other car (never get a ford focus. their transmissions are terrible)
I watched my brother say YES to the woman of his dreams and now I get a fabulous big sister!
Finally, I said YES to embracing the ugliness and the beauty of having a physical disability.. 2016 had made me feel empowered and joyful. I did things I never thought I would do like traveling across the country by myself and having a career. Starting this blog up again and talking about the ugliness but beauty of my disability has really brought me FREEDOM. I think ever since my post about talking differently and the love and freedom i have gotten from that post has been unreal.
I sit here today in this new year of 2017 ready to take of whatever God has planned for me. I am a person that has a disability but that does not define me and I deserve to live in the freedom of being the person I am in the inside and letting that shine through. 2016 taught me to not let my disability hold me back and to run forth with that freedom that I am a 24 year old just trying to embrace every moment of everyday that I get here on this earth.
I said YES to traveling by myself not 1 not 2 but 3 times! Started off traveling to Colorado, then to Sacramento (probably the easiest trip of the 3), and then to New Zealand (the scariest of them all). Let me tell you that when you travel by yourself you learn a whole lot. I learned the essence of trusting in yourself. I had to put faith in myself that I could do this and boy I did but with lots of praying! I also learned in not being afraid to ask for help and that people out there don't mind helping you lift your suitcase or telling you where to go. It taught me that I am a lot stronger than I thought and as long as I trust in myself that I would be successful.
I said YES to another year of being a kindergarten special education teacher at my amazing elementary school. Nothing gives you the confidence than being asked to come back for another year at the same school for the same grade. I am completely and utterly blessed to be a teacher at my school. I work for the best principal and the best coworkers. This second year has been so different than my first year and I am learning to embrace my students in a different way than i did last year. I think you know you were called to be a teacher when you see your students every morning and you just want to cry of happiness because they bless you so much.
I said YES to a new car that is much safer and more reliable than my other car (never get a ford focus. their transmissions are terrible)
I watched my brother say YES to the woman of his dreams and now I get a fabulous big sister!
Finally, I said YES to embracing the ugliness and the beauty of having a physical disability.. 2016 had made me feel empowered and joyful. I did things I never thought I would do like traveling across the country by myself and having a career. Starting this blog up again and talking about the ugliness but beauty of my disability has really brought me FREEDOM. I think ever since my post about talking differently and the love and freedom i have gotten from that post has been unreal.
I sit here today in this new year of 2017 ready to take of whatever God has planned for me. I am a person that has a disability but that does not define me and I deserve to live in the freedom of being the person I am in the inside and letting that shine through. 2016 taught me to not let my disability hold me back and to run forth with that freedom that I am a 24 year old just trying to embrace every moment of everyday that I get here on this earth.
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