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Showing posts from January, 2018

You can't

When people tell can't. When people judge you for your physical disability What do you do? Do you give up? Do you throw in the towel and say you're right? NO! You fight back.  You find your inner strength.  You become a warrior.  You become stronger than you think. You choose to breathe in your identity through the Lord. You choose to let those comments become your fuel. You say to yourself that you are capable You hear the Lord say "oh my dear you can" You remember you were given this disability to advocate for others You remember you are enough You are differently beautiful You know I thought the older I get the more numb I would be to when people judge me or say I can't but I don't think I will ever be able to handle those comments without a sting to the heart. So yes I might shed a few tears. Yes I may have to remind myself that I am different and that some people just may not understand.  You give yours...

I am Glad it Happened

Today I was listening to a podcast called I'm Glad It Happened by Elevation Church and it sure was a sermon I needed to hear. In fact I was moved to tears for it targeted my life and my biggest struggle which is my disability. There are certain things he said that I wanted to discuss in my blog.  "I am glad for my weakness for it has made me strong" Hmm isn't that true. My disability has made me strong. I would not be the strong independent woman I am today if it weren't for my Cerebral Palsy. My weakness has given me fire to keep going and never give up no matter what others say. "I am talking about the thing people say sorry for. It happened for God's glory"... Oh my goodness does this reign relevant in my life. This happens to me quite often with new people I meet where they say oh I'm sorry you went through that or I'm sorry you have to live with a disability. That is one thing I just do not like. Don't say sorry this i...

Grand things in the Grand Canyon

This past weekend I went with my family to the Grand Canyon. I was like a little 5 year old because I have always wanted to go and it would be a check off my bucket list. Well, you know the drive to see the Grand Canyon is about 5-6 hours so I had a lot of time to reflect and think about life. I was scrolling through all of my pictures and I came across this one and I just thought it reflected my life. Here we are..thousands of people come to this place to see a hole in the ground. To see rocks but why? The Grand Canyon is much like our life. We go through so many rocky challenges that are carved into us. We would not be who we are today without those rocks in our lives. Sometimes we are at the highest level and feel like life is going smooth like the plateaus in Grand Canyon and sometimes we are at the bottom drowning in the river and looking up at those rocks thinking how the heck am I going to get out of this river and reach the smooth rocks again. Wherever you are in this Gra...