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So Much NEW

Hey There!

I know it has been a while since I have chatted with all of you on here but between wedding season and holidays life has been rather chaotic. But I wanted to come on here and write about how my life has change since last Thanksgiving and all the goodness the Lord has showered me with.

This year has been filled with A LOT of new so here we go...

1. A new adventure of moving out by myself! This one I think is the biggest because I knew I wanted to move out but I didn't know how it would happen and of course the Lord always lays out the perfect path and I am so in love with my little apartment and the person it has made me become. There is so much you learn about yourself when you are alone. I have learned to cook (let's be real very simple meals). I have learned how to pay bills and to never stop trying because you better keep working until you are able to open that bag of cheese because no one is around to help you open it. This new change has made me more comfortable in myself. It really has taught me that I am more capable than I think I am.

2. I got my MASTERS, which means I am done with school (for now ;)). This means I had to figure out what life is with just working and not doing school work on top of my full time job. That was quite an adjustment. I found myself almost feeling guilty like I needed to be doing some writing or something. But it has been so freeing to just focus on my work and on my friends, family, and self. It is so refreshing.

3. I became a cat momma. I adopted my little Luna in July and she is my baby that's for sure. It is so sweet to come home to a little one. She has been such a sweet addition to my life and I am so glad I became a crazy cat lady.

4. I got my first tattoo. I can't remember if I wrote about my tattoo but it is a cross on my right wrist and it is such a beautiful reminder to me everyday that the Lord is the one guiding my life and that I need to live each day for Him. I got a green heart on my ankle as a reminder that it is okay to be in love with Cerebral Palsy because it has led me to the career I am and to be able to show others that those with disabilities are capable and should be loved and encourage.

5. I switched grade levels. I went from special education kindergarten to special education 5/6th. My goodness it has been such a beautiful amazing switch and I am just loving this school year so so much. My kids are so awesome and I love teaching and interacting with them everyday. They have made such an impact on my life and have the most unique personalities.

All that being said I just wanted to say you never know where your life is going to take you. Did I expect any of these changes this year? Absolutely not but that is what happens when you stop planning and start living. I encourage you to set your life before God and say your will be done because I will let you in on a little secret (God knows exactly what He is doing). Also, surround yourself with individuals that will push you and encourage you to take that step because you need those extra pushes in your life.

Did I think I would write any of that down as an individual with But here I am friends. Here I am. For that I am thankful.

P.S. I am extra thankful for all you readers.

Much love!


  1. I'm blessed and honored to know you, Nicole. This year has been remarkable for you, and you have displayed remarkable courage. Enjoy your newfound freedom!


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