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Sciatica...A New Pain I Have Never Known

 Hi there! I know...its been a while..but when you were an online teacher for a year you take every opportunity to be away from the screen..BUT here I am. I am back giving you all the details of life with CP.  

So as we all know living through this pandemic has not exactly been the best and a few weeks ago I got an unexpected side effect of this pandemic. A few weeks ago I went back to teaching in person full time and my yoga studio opened back up (HALLELUJAH!) . We all know that working out at home just does not cut it. So the next week after returning to school and yoga I started feeling some pain in my right leg. Let's be real I feel pain a lot so I just figured my leg muscle was tight or I may have pulled something (my right leg is my bad leg, it turns in more and is usually always tighter than my left). No big deal right?

Well...a week later the pain is not getting better it is getting worse. & I know it is not a pulled muscle because the pain is not there all the time. I will wake up and be at work all day and then come home and the pain comes creeping in. Every hour getting worse. To the point that I was crying at night (keep in mind I have a very high pain tolerance so for me to cry in pain means something really is not right). This may be due to at night I finally sit down and relax so the relaxing and sitting may be triggering it?So for the FIRST time in my life I went to a chiropractor. He asked me on a scale of 1-10 where my pain level was and I said like an 8, which I have never had. He had me lay on my stomach and immediately noticed my right hip was up higher than my left and my right leg was slightly shorter than my left..turns out I have sciatica

This is the first time in my life I cannot read my body and it is extremely frustrating. I think by having CP I am very in tune with my body and what it needs. Like I know if I am feeling off I would know if I just need to stretch more or rest. But this is the first time I do not know how to help my body...It has been two weeks now since my first visit to the chiropractor. I have had two visits with him. I have stopped doing yoga because I am trying to see if that is aggravating it. I have been doing 3 stretches everyday that they say help sciatica. I have been putting icy hot patches on. I have been walking a lot. ALL and I mean ALL the things they say help but yet here I am still struggling with it. Don't get me wrong it is not near as painful as what it was but it still comes creeping in every late afternoon/night.

Every night I pray the Lord lessens my pain just a little everyday because I just want to go back to feeling like my usual self. I know that this sciatica was triggered because I was at home working for a year. My body is not made to sit. There are many reasons why the Lord called me to be a teacher and one of them is because I need a job where I am active and not sit all day. So from going from a year of sitting to a very active lifestyle again my body got thrown off. So thanks covid for messing up my body but as usual I am a CP warrior and I got the Lord to trust that he will heal me and we will get through it. I will keep you all updated. In the meantime I will take any suggestions and prays to speed up this recovery.


  1. I suffered with sciatica as a young adult, generally making my life miserable for a while ... riding in any vehicle was the worst! The vibration would kill me. The solution to my particular problem was get a new mattress/box springs set. The old one had lost its ability to support my back. In no time I was back to normal. Love and prayers for a speedy recovery!


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