It was Thursday night (July 13). We were at our late night debrief where I was an emotional wreck from the life changing day of going into 7 different disabled homes. I was so filled with joy and God's love that I couldn't stop joyous crying. Our debrief ends and our leader, Amanda, asks me and two other girls to stay back. Oh no..what could they possibly want from me. "So ladies, we have our women's conference on Saturday and we would love it if you guys could share for 5-10 minutes your testimony and how God had redeemed you". Um what now? Me talk in front of 500 women about my life? Cue the heart pumping butterflies in the stomach. I did say yes because I felt the Lord saying these women need you. I mean I have shared my testimony before but in smaller environments where I knew the people. As I started thinking I said God you know what I am not going to prepare a speech I know you will be with me and provide me with the words these women need to hear. S...
The daily life of an adult living with Cerebral Palsy. Learn all about the ups and downs of living with a disability.