I never really knew why God called me to Kenya. I knew I have always wanted to go back to Africa because I loved the people but I didn't really know the purpose of me going. I doubted it A LOT before going and it did not click until the day I met Simon.
So I had found out that the organization (Missions of Hope) had just started a program for the mentally disabled. I knew that on Thursday we would be doing more home visits. I had asked my leader if there was anyway possible that I could maybe go visit with some disabled individuals. It didn't really seem promising and my prayer this whole trip was "God just let me be your vessel for your kingdom". So we show up Thursday morning and the social worker that works with the disabled was there and my leader made sure I was in her group!
We got the opportunity go into 3 different homes that morning. It was amazing how God used me because in Kenya the locals are extremely ashamed of disabled people. They make them hide in the houses and don't get the help they need. So it was amazing for me to be able to show them that you can be successful and independent with a disability. I mean don't get me wrong this was still really hard on me and depressing to see people so ashamed until I met Simon in the afternoon...
Instantly, when I walked into his house I knew the Lord was saying there a game changers here like you. Simon is 31 years old and although is not diagnosed I could tell he had CP like me. Simon is a person who has the joy of the Lord in his heart. He has to crawl around because his legs do not allow him to walk but boy is he amazing.
He told us he never wants to be inside. He has a little business where he carries around a scale and you can pay him to weigh your stuff. He goes to his own church separate from his mom and he preaches the Word to crowds. He is able to do his own laundry and feed himself.
The Lord showed me that yes the disabled population is suffering and sad in Kenya but there are people like Simon who are defying the odds. Who, he, just like me has the Lord's strength and confidence and will show others that with God all things are possible.
So thank you Simon for being a such a joy to meet and for giving hope to a population that receives a lot of negativity <3
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