It was Thursday night (July 13). We were at our late night debrief where I was an emotional wreck from the life changing day of going into 7 different disabled homes. I was so filled with joy and God's love that I couldn't stop joyous crying. Our debrief ends and our leader, Amanda, asks me and two other girls to stay back. Oh no..what could they possibly want from me.
"So ladies, we have our women's conference on Saturday and we would love it if you guys could share for 5-10 minutes your testimony and how God had redeemed you". Um what now? Me talk in front of 500 women about my life? Cue the heart pumping butterflies in the stomach. I did say yes because I felt the Lord saying these women need you.
I mean I have shared my testimony before but in smaller environments where I knew the people. As I started thinking I said God you know what I am not going to prepare a speech I know you will be with me and provide me with the words these women need to hear.
Saturday: the day of the conference
The theme of the conference was enough. You dear individuals are enough in God's eyes and that is what I needed to focus on for my message.
I'm sitting at my table and I really had to pee but I was like I can't because I am going to be up in like 5 minutes. "I would like to welcome Nicole Martin up on stage". Okay here we go no turning back now. Walk carefully, don't trip, breath.
I honestly don't really remember what I said but I talked about how I was born with Cerebral Palsy and how it was hard growing up with it and so many times I wanted to yell at God WHY?? But God has a purpose for everyone on this earth. He has made it known from the end of high school to now that my purpose is to inspire those who have disability that they are enough. With God all things are possible. Did I ever think I would go to Kenya not knowing anyone and work with the disabled...absolutely not. But look here I am.
After the conference:
I had a lot of team members that told me the women at their table were inspired by me. This was for the majority of them the first time seeing a disabled person so confident and independent because is Kenya you are hidden and ashamed if you have a disability. I know God used me to show these women who were social workers, teachers, and administrators to not give up on the disabled and to show them that they are enough and have so much potential. God makes beautiful people and every individual on this earth should know that they are beautiful just the way God created them to be.

"So ladies, we have our women's conference on Saturday and we would love it if you guys could share for 5-10 minutes your testimony and how God had redeemed you". Um what now? Me talk in front of 500 women about my life? Cue the heart pumping butterflies in the stomach. I did say yes because I felt the Lord saying these women need you.
I mean I have shared my testimony before but in smaller environments where I knew the people. As I started thinking I said God you know what I am not going to prepare a speech I know you will be with me and provide me with the words these women need to hear.
Saturday: the day of the conference
The theme of the conference was enough. You dear individuals are enough in God's eyes and that is what I needed to focus on for my message.
I'm sitting at my table and I really had to pee but I was like I can't because I am going to be up in like 5 minutes. "I would like to welcome Nicole Martin up on stage". Okay here we go no turning back now. Walk carefully, don't trip, breath.
I honestly don't really remember what I said but I talked about how I was born with Cerebral Palsy and how it was hard growing up with it and so many times I wanted to yell at God WHY?? But God has a purpose for everyone on this earth. He has made it known from the end of high school to now that my purpose is to inspire those who have disability that they are enough. With God all things are possible. Did I ever think I would go to Kenya not knowing anyone and work with the disabled...absolutely not. But look here I am.
After the conference:
I had a lot of team members that told me the women at their table were inspired by me. This was for the majority of them the first time seeing a disabled person so confident and independent because is Kenya you are hidden and ashamed if you have a disability. I know God used me to show these women who were social workers, teachers, and administrators to not give up on the disabled and to show them that they are enough and have so much potential. God makes beautiful people and every individual on this earth should know that they are beautiful just the way God created them to be.

Hi Nicole ! I just wanted you to know that you are so awesome! I have loved looking through your blog, seeing your strength come from the Lord, despite challenges you have faced and may be walking through now . I found out about you through Jessica, the girl who runs the ceep account on instagram and shared a photo of you in her instagram story.Also, I love seeing a fellow educator! I too am pursuing a career in SPED and will graduate from school in 2019 . AND I am a fellow Cali girl!! I was born and raised in Bakersfield, California ( it's 2 hours North of L.A. . However, I currently reside in Texas and attend a Christian college here just 45 minutes south of Dallas!!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to seeing you shine in every thing God has for you!!
Britany Cobbs
Aw thank you so so much for the sweet words of encouragement Britany! That is so awesome you are pursuing to be a SPED teacher! It is the best profession and I love it so much! If you ever have questions let me know! :)