Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me...
Remember that saying? You would taunt it when you were a kid but as you get older you start to realize um wait a minute.. words do hurt me.
This week was extremely challenging for me and I am still trying to pick myself up from it. You know with having a disability you have to develop a very thick skin because people can be mean and say mean things or do mean things by their actions. But still when you get that one person that targets one of your biggest insecurities you can't help but cry.
I knew going into any profession I would get someone to tell me you can't do it you have a disability & that was and still is one of my biggest fears. So when it did happen this week I was crushed and I mean wrecked. Driving home from that day the Lord guided me because I was crying so hard that the car lights were blurry. I have worked so hard to get where I am today. I have pushed through multiple obstacles from professors doubting me to interviewers doubting me but I had made it. I got my degree and my credential and have been working for three years as a teacher and it still gets brought up that I shouldn't be a teacher because of my special need. Man that was a dagger to the heart and it took all my strength to remain calm until I could be by myself.
Sometimes you can't be strong and sometimes you have to realize not everyone is going to accept you and it is a hard fact. I know I should not let one person knock me down but when you work so hard and your purpose of becoming a special needs teacher is to inspire those that have disabilities that they are capable of reaching their dreams it is hard to get told the opposite. So yes I am going to pick myself back up after a few days here and keep going but this week has reminded me of the hardships of having a disability and that things are not always pretty.
Remember that saying? You would taunt it when you were a kid but as you get older you start to realize um wait a minute.. words do hurt me.
This week was extremely challenging for me and I am still trying to pick myself up from it. You know with having a disability you have to develop a very thick skin because people can be mean and say mean things or do mean things by their actions. But still when you get that one person that targets one of your biggest insecurities you can't help but cry.
I knew going into any profession I would get someone to tell me you can't do it you have a disability & that was and still is one of my biggest fears. So when it did happen this week I was crushed and I mean wrecked. Driving home from that day the Lord guided me because I was crying so hard that the car lights were blurry. I have worked so hard to get where I am today. I have pushed through multiple obstacles from professors doubting me to interviewers doubting me but I had made it. I got my degree and my credential and have been working for three years as a teacher and it still gets brought up that I shouldn't be a teacher because of my special need. Man that was a dagger to the heart and it took all my strength to remain calm until I could be by myself.
Sometimes you can't be strong and sometimes you have to realize not everyone is going to accept you and it is a hard fact. I know I should not let one person knock me down but when you work so hard and your purpose of becoming a special needs teacher is to inspire those that have disabilities that they are capable of reaching their dreams it is hard to get told the opposite. So yes I am going to pick myself back up after a few days here and keep going but this week has reminded me of the hardships of having a disability and that things are not always pretty.
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