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3 Goodbyes

Wow in the last week and a half was filled with 3 goodbyes and 1 of them was not expected. Bare with me as I have so many emotions about all of these goodbyes.

1. Goodbye to Kindergarten
I have been preparing for this goodbye for the last 2 months. It is such a bittersweet goodbye. As I sat there on the last day of school I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears. Kindergarten is the grade I started this beautiful career of being a teacher. It has had so many ups and downs and I think about the 30 kiddos I have had in that classroom and how they have each impacted my heart. I remember when I got the phone call that I was hired to be a kindergarten teacher and thinking um what I have never even entered a kindergarten class before. It taught me that this teacher career is not just about academics but it is about how to teach kids to love and accept one another for their differences. I learned to look at life and appreciate it more of the simplicity that it offers and to encourage and compliment each other a lot more often.

But with this goodbye leads to a new chapter and a new adventure. You never grow unless you explore new changes and as much nervous I am but I am also excited to move up to the big kids and teach 5/6th and show them to embrace their differences and to love learning

2. Goodbye to my best friend
My sweet dog got diagnosed with cancer 2 months ago because she had a tumor on her mouth. The tumor got removed and because she is such a happy energetic dog we decided to let her live out her best life until the tumor got unbearable. Well the tumor grew back a lot faster than we anticipated and we had to make the heartbreaking decision of putting her down. This was one of the hardest thing we had to do and I am still mourning the loss of her. Her and I just had this special bond. When I lived at home she always laid outside of my bedroom door and waited until I woke up. When I would open the door she would wiggle her little butt and whine in her little language so excited to see me. She would love when I gave her a tight squeeze and whisper I love you in her ear. She was always there. Through the highs and lows of life in the past 7 years she was there. It is so weird now to go home and not have her there waiting to greet me.

Cancer is an evil thing and it can take over the most innocent. Grieving is a part of life and I don't know when there will be a time I can talk about my sweet sage and not cry. She certainly was a dog where you felt like you knew her and could have a conversation with her. She loved me and her family with her whole heart and was a dog that was at your service there whenever you needed her.

3. Goodbye or rather hello to my Master's degree
The last 10 months have been tough. I remember the 2nd week in to taking 2 masters classes and starting the school year I questioned whether I should do this or not. I have cried many many tears because of this masters program and have stressed about so much but hey I did it. 10 months later I just submitted my 49 page paper. This was the first time taking online classes and the first time working and doing school. Even though everything was online I felt like I really got to know my classmates and professors. We went through a lot together and we have finally reached the end. I think it will take me quite a while to stop stressing over whether I did the assignments do that week or whether I passed that assignment but I must say I am pretty darn PROUD of myself for accomplishing my MASTERS degree. I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me, listening to my complaints and many tears, and being okay if I had to cancel plans because I had homework. Another check on my bucket list...whats next?..maybe a doctorate?

So there you have it 3 goodbyes but whenever you say goodbye there is another door opening. So heres to 3 more chapters??


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