Hello my readers, sorry I have not been posting much but when you are a virtual teacher you need the break from the computer when you can get it. But recently something happened that I needed to stress.
In October I returned to my childhood orthopedic doctor because finding a new doctor that really knows about CP is actually extremely hard and I needed a refill of my medications so I decided to return to my old one. The appointment went well and he told me that I am still doing great and no other recommendations except to increase my vitamin D (gotta keep those strong bones). Well in November I got a refill of my one medication. I got home and opened the bottle and realized wow these pills are a lot bigger than my previous ones. I then read on the label they were 5 mg instead of my usual 2 mg (which I take twice a day which therefore is roughly 5 mg for the whole day not 5 mg for one dose). I immediately did not feel comfortable so I figured well I will just cut the pill in half. Then one day I woke up extra shaky so I figured why not just take the whole 5 mg pill...
Yeah not a good choice..All day my eyes were kind of burning and didn't feel good and I kept being soooo thirsty. By 3 pm my eyes took a turn for the worst. They became so blurry I could barely read the texts on my phone and it was making me really nauseous to even look at a screen. (cue my worst thinking side omg do I have cancer, is blurry vision a symptom of cover? you know all the irrational thoughts haha). I laid down to close my eyes for 10 minutes and it somewhat helped. Then my boyfriend came over and I told him how I was feeling and he began to tell me that I am not walking or talking like I usually do. **major scary moment for me...
We were discussing well what would trigger this and the only thing I did differently that day was change the take the whole 5 mg pill. So then I googled the side effects for that pill and the two most common were..blurry vision and dry mouth..two of the things I was experiencing. I know this pill has to be takin with food so we went out to dinner and let's be real I ate a lot of food but by the end of the meal I was feeling so much better and my symptoms had just about gone away.
Therefore the next day I called my doctor and exclaimed that this dosage was way incorrect and I cannot be taking this. I went back to cutting my pills in half immediately. Through some back and forth conversations he suggested I just take the one 5 mg pill at night because it lasts a long time in the body. I am going to test it out this weekend as I wanted to err on the side of caution where I did not want to get side effects during a work day so I will keep you posted.
I tell you this because it is important to listen to your gut. Just like I knew right away to cut the pills in half but took a chance to believe no the 5 mg whole pill would be okay and it wasn't. Doctors do make mistakes and it is okay to believe your body over what the doctor says. It was a very scary day and I am thankful that my boyfriend, Will, was there to help me through it. Just another struggle in the life of CP but you gotta do what you gotta do.
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