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National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day

It's a special day because it is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness day!

As I was driving home (to my new apartment..eek!) I started getting emotional thinking about how much I have accomplished as a person with CP. You know when I was younger I had no idea how my life would turn out. I didn't know any adults with CP or quite frankly I didn't know anyone else (young or old) who even had a similar case of CP. CP is a disability that does not have that much awareness which is why I created this blog so people can understand it more. I mean how many times do you go to the store or go to eat and see someone with a CP. It is so very rare. Therefore, I hope this day makes you "normal" people more aware and I hope it makes those with CP know that they are not alone!

However, I did want to touch on what the Lord has enabled me to do. In fact as I am writing this blog the song came on saying "Our God is able". Oh man is that true. Here I am a 25 year old adult with CP living and reaching my dreams. Yes you as a parent dream from your child to be successful and happy and you as yourself have the same dream but do you really believe you will accomplish that dream? I don't really think so but here I am living out most of my dreams.

  • I can drive
  • i have my dream job of being a special education teacher
  • I have my own apartment 
  • I can cook my own meals
  • I can do my own hair and makeup
  • I can go do a hike or go do yoga
  • I can travel to different countries
  • I have friends that I cherish with my whole heart
  • I have a family and friends that love me for who I am and don't let my disability get in the way
Think about it... I live a "normal" life and for that I have no words. I am blessed that my God has given me the insight to love myself for who I am and to not let me disability get in the way. 

I am honored to live a life with CP and I am honored to continue to bring awareness to the CP community that we can succeed but we just do things a different way. Much love to my fellow CP community. You are strong and you are beautiful and you are able.


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