I don't know about you but when I grew up I always had dreams of a career. I remember I wanted to be a nurse but then I realized there is no way me with my shaky hands and wacky fingers could ever poke someone with a needle. Then I wanted to be an occupational therapist because what better than being a person who has gone through occupational therapy her whole life now show others how to adapt things. But then I thought oh no that would not work. Here I am trying to help someone button when I can barely button my own stuff. HA! It makes me laugh just thinking about it. So then began my desire to be a teacher. I knew since the 4th grade this was my calling. It was dead set on my heart and it never went away. But can i tell you? Yes I did dream of it but I always thought how can a person like me have a career. I never had a physically disabled person as a role model. I never had someone like me to look up to. I never had someone to show me it is possible to be different AND have a ...
The daily life of an adult living with Cerebral Palsy. Learn all about the ups and downs of living with a disability.